This is attempt #2 at getting this to print correctly. I have discovered the problems so there should be no further daybooks with big empty spaces! Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I am thankful for...Christopher's safe return, in good health, after nearly a month in third world countries. I am especially thankful for a wonderful daughter (I hate the term "in-law" with all my heart) so can I just say our daughter Melissa? Missy took excellent care of the four kids and everything else while Chris was gone and she just keeps plugging along never complaining. She is one amazing woman! I don't think I would be so gracious, but she is such an even-tempered wonderful woman. And she even had her birthday and Mother's Day without her husband to help out. She is just a doll, we could not love her more.
I am praying for..good results from some medical tests for a couple of my favorite people in all the world. Praying with all my heart things will be all right and perfect. And that the things that have been troubling them will be treated and will go away completely!
From the learning room...We need to just keep trying on the things that are difficult and keep learning an never give up. Big things and little things are all overcome in the exact same way. Work, patience, pryer and tenacity and gratitude for the small incremental successes.
I am reading...the scriptures, some blogs, and lots of genealogy sites to do research and trying desperately to keep up with my blog posting because it is essential to my sanity!
From the kitchen...We made tortellini soup the other night. Jim is taking it to a potluck at his old work place today. I helped him and took some photos. Hope to get the recipe up on the blog soon. We lost a bunch of our really favorite recipes on the computer when Master Cook decided to disappear. I am mourning that after hours and hours of inputting them! So I am trying to recover the ones I can, going through old paper files and planning to post some of them on the blog with photos.
I am wondering..if it will be snowing in Utah for our family reunion in mid-June?? I am wondering if the garden reception being held here in June will get rained out? I am wondering if we will get any windows washed in time for it?? Or plant any flowers?? And I am wondering if we are going to be overrun with wild turkeys here. Saw a mom and a bunch a fuzzy babies with long necks running through the yard and up one of the paths on Friday afternoon last week.
I am hearing...James Taylor, You've Got A Friend
Today if I could change one thing...that those with hard hearts towards the Gospel and their Savior would repent, humble themselves and avail themselves of the comfort and peace that they could have in their lives if they would only seek it.
I am quoting..."You cannot have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private Victory Precedes Public Victory. Self-Mastery and Self-Discipline are the foundation of good relationships with others and with yourself." Author unknown
I am thinking about...ways to help people that are suffering right now. Seeking direction and divine guidance on their behalf.
I am wearing...PJs
I am get a lot done this week.
I am missing...simpler times, times when trials for everyone did not seem to mount so quickly touching every family, every person. things really are accelerating now on every front. I am missing the peace of a boring day once in awhile when things were not moving so fast and no news was good news.
Pet Peeves...Working on a daybook and them losing half of it. I figured out how it is happening. I was doing my daybook, publishing it at home and then proofing at the Family History Center...cannot mix formatting of the PC and Mac in the same post. Fixed a few typos and it totally corrupted the posts. Never doing that again. Nope, not a chance!
One of my favorite things...Self-discovery through writing and creative endeavors and designing.
An enjoyable movie I have watched lately...In The Heat of The Night with Sidney Poitier. That man is amazing and has been since day one. The movie is very good and really has held its relevance after all these years.
I am curious many things, the older I get the more curious I am about the complexities of this life! And the more I realize we have to really try hard to lift and help each other through it day by day. We all need each other's support more than we sometimes realize. Just knowing someone is there for you makes all the difference.
Around the house...clean, orderly, decluttered = good. We are getting there one thing at a time.
Here are some photos and thoughts I am sharing with you today....
There are very few things I would change if we had it to do over. By the grace of God we made a good decision and a commitment to each other that has been so sustaining. The blessings of that decision have been a continual source of learning what love really is, even in the times we may not have recognized it or realized it fully. That is one of the blessings of hindsight, it is 20/20. When people talk about the Golden Years, I think that is what they are referring to. Experience is a great teacher.