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So, For Today...Monday, May 4, 2009
Outside my is 5:15 am and feels way too early to be up today. It is supposed to rain today and tomorrow again and I think it will. If it is not too cold it usually means rain. We need the rain but I do love the thoughts of a lovely spring day we would be having otherwise.
I am thinking...that I wish our daughter Laura and her family did not live in Italy. With the 9 hour time difference it is always so hard to get in touch with them. She is the busy mom of two boys and that keeps her running around. Right now she is the musical director of High School Musical and that makes it nearly impossible to ever catch her. I really miss her! I wonder if moms ever really get use to having their children grown and gone?
From the learning rooms...I am pondering the changing nature of life. Things never stay the same and that is a good thing. Even when change is difficult it is good for us and makes us stronger and better people. New situations give us an opportunity to grow and learn and stretch.
I am thankful health, my husband and children, good friends, extended family, discretionary time, modern conveniences and motivation to keep trying to improve my life.
From the kitchen...our counter tops have come in one week early! Early is not a word heard often in the remodeling world. I love what I finally selected and our new sink and faucet that was installed yesterday. We have running water again and the dishwasher and stove are now working. The kitchen is starting to look beautiful and I am so thrilled about that. I am looking forward with great anticipation to the day, in the not to distant future, when things will become normal again in there, just more esthetically pleasing and more fresh and clean. We have a final coat of paint to go on everything and some detailing and then we can start to live in there again and clean up the rest of the house that is holding everything that belongs in the kitchen. It seems like something has been torn up since October...I am ready to settle into a routine again!
I am wondering...when our little granddaughter, Hazie, will be having her next surgery? We will be going to help out when the time comes.
I am wearing...snoopy PJ bottoms and a white tee.
I am Google Reader, your blogs and Ciao America still. At two pages a day it is taking awhile. I have just been too tired for any leisurely reading. If I sit down I fall asleep!
I am hoping...that our friend that is having a "procedure" today will be just fine. He didn't look too thrilled about it yesterday.
I am Praying for...strength to over come my weaknesses and feel I am making some progress in my weight loss journey. I am trying to enjoy exercising more. I am thankful for the support of others that are going through it too.
I am creating...visions of the bathroom remodel coming next, getting bids for the exterior painting, more new windows, and driveway repairs. Working on our plans for Christmas in Italy and my design plans for two houses coming up soon for staging.
I am hearing...the humming of the refrigerator sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor and other than that...nothing.
I am call my friend, Deanna today and see how she is doing. I have been worrying about her as she got attacked by some fire ants and for 10 days has not been on her blog. She lives in Texas. I am glad we do not have any fire ants in CA. They attacked our grandson, Ross, in Mississippi when he was about 3 and it was not a good experience. Very painful and itchy eventually and a long time healing. His little hand just peeled and peeled and peeled before it was over.
My spiritual thoughts include...appreciation for the gift of faith, trust in our church leaders and being able to go back to our home ward and friends we have been missing for 5 and a half years. I am grateful for inspired church leaders and a new bishop that will be fantastic in the Single Adult Ward.
Around the house...we started the drought water rationing this week and so am being mindful of conserving so we don't get charged 4 times the current rate if we go over our allotment. I am hoping and praying our property can be sustained and kept alive on 45% less water.
I have been procrastinating.....the same old thing...budgeting updates for the remodeling project and our household budgeting... ugh! It is partly because it is done on the computer and I'd rather be reading your interesting posts!
One of my favorite photography. I love to take photos and then fool around with the finished product in iPhoto.
A few plans for the rest of the week...a pedicure, home consultation for staging next week, getting a new refrigerator delivered, buying Enchanted April on DVD tomorrow, finding a way to talk to all of the kids this week, painting, and hopefully a Friday night date with Jim.
Here is a picture and a thought I am sharing with you...
Silver or gold bling?
This is a picture we took in November looking south from Sausalito across San Francisco Bay to The City. The water was so sparkly and gorgeous. This truly is one of the prettiest places in the world. It was just before dusk and so beautiful and peaceful. Note the little kayak to the left of the sail boat. We love it here and are so thankful to have this so near when millions travel from all over the world to enjoy it. What a blessing to be so close to so much beauty.
How exciting that your daughter gets to live in Italy, but that's got to be very hard for you. My boys are just starting to get ready for college so things will be starting to change around here.
Bonnie, I know how hard it is to live so far away from family. It seems when I am up they are in bed and when I am in bed they are up. Love the picture. I love playing with photo shop etc. too.
Thanks for your visit, Bonnie! I also love connecting with other LDS women. Women's Conference was really wonderful-try to catch some of the re-broadcast this Thurs or Fri if you're able.
I spent my high school years in Fairfield until I went off to Ricks. Are you in northern CA? My mission was actually the Sacramento Mission. I miss northern CA!
Have a great Tuesday!
You are a great Mom----your love shines through for everyone. I love your picture, and we had so much fun in California, I am missing it. Enjoy those beuatiful views!!! Miss you, Laura
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