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So, For Today...Monday, September 21, 2009
Outside my window...It is still dark and feels like it is going to be another scorcher today. It is a little muggy and still...not a good sign. But we just have to grin and bear it, knowing it has got to be almost over...right?I am thinking...I am tired but we had a good weekend away and that is a good reason to be tired.
From the learning room...I am learning that although people and society tend to ruffle me in general, when I look at the specific people we know and love it calms me. When I think in generalities it can be depressing to see the way the world is going...but when I really see people, good people, I am filled with hope!
I am reading...The Lost Symbol. Intriguing so far. And a bunch of other books in a stack about a foot tall...ones I have started and not finished. Bad habit I have of late.
From the kitchen...We have plenty for the week so I do not have to go shopping for groceries today. Yay! But I do have to go to Walmart for a few items and also to the bike shop for some tubes for Jim's there seems to be no way to get around spending $ every time you leave through the front door and get in your car.
I am wondering...if we are going to run into snow in Italy in December??
I am wearing...a and white. Time to get dressed though.
I am creating...Chaos in my mind thinking of all the things I want to do and should do this week. I need to get some plans on paper this morning.
I am hearing....Birds chirping, a dog barking and the fan in the laundry room sucking in some cool air from outside. And now I am hearing Linda Ronstadt singing "My Funny Valentine" I do love that song!!
I am see five friends before 10:00 am this morning, so I have some quick picking up to do...why am I sitting at my computer is the question??
I am quoting..."Belief is passive. Passive belief becomes faith when it moves us to act." Marie Rayner
My spiritual thoughts include..thoughts of eternal life and the reunions of those who have gone before when someone new passes. Our friend, Sy, must be very happy now as he reunites with his family on the other side.
Around the house...I have a couple of new goodies and I am trying to find the right spot for one of them. It is a beautiful wind chime and the little pipes are hanging from this old antique door lock with two crystal door knobs and an old key. It is awesome. The other is a copper mold that has a large bunch of garlic on it and it has a perfect new home in our kitchen.
Today I miss...all of our kids and grandkids. (What else is new, right?)
I am hoping...we can all find lots of peace and joy in this new week.
I have been procrastinating..Organizing the warehouse after de-staging 2 houses. Ugh...just not enough room anymore!
One of my favorite things...Plays and concerts~we haven't been to one in ages. Way too long!
A few plans for the rest of the week...starting to think about Christmas and getting things for the Italy kids to mail so we don't have to haul it on the plane. Doing a birthday post for our little granddaughter, Aynslee, who is 7 today and calling her tonight, doing another one for Hazie turning 2 on the 24th. Will have Jim home for two days for dental appointments, we'll be getting the exterior of the house ready for painting in two weeks, helping someone box up household effects on Saturday morning and the General Women's Broadcast from Salt Lake City on Saturday afternoon and dinner with the girls! Yup, another busy one.
Here is a picture and a thought I am sharing with you...
Everyone loves it~the one thing we all have in common. Try to think of other things we all have in common like $ is hard to do if you go beyond the realm of our physical lives, like we all eat, sleep, etc. But what else have we all agreed is of value? Nothing that I can think of. I have also noticed how odd it is that even tiny kids get the idea that $ has value and very early at that it seems!
I didn't realize you were going to visit family in Italy! Do you have a son or daughter there? It sounds like grandchildren so that's logical. Sure wish we had circumstances to meet more often! I could really have fun getting to know you and picking up clues for living well!
Hi Aunt Bonnie,
Have missed you. Glad you had a nice weekend away. Sounds like a busy week ahead. I have my ladies group this Wed., so am looking forward to it. Cleaned the back porch this morning, so it looks mucho better, and just doing the normal household routine. We had a nice weekend as well, church was super good yesterday. Our Pastor put the Frosting on what we are teaching in our Sunday school
class. Guess the Lord is trying to get a message to us all!! lol
Well, hope you have a great day and a great week ahead,
Blessings hon,
I have the suitcase ready that you can smuggle me in on your trip to Italy!! ;o) Oh how I wish!!!
One thing I think of that is universal is a smile. It says something without words that is understood by everyone around the world to mean pleasure, joy, happiness. Smiles are treasures indeed.
You make me smile, gal, and I love reading your daybook!
Hope your week is lovely!
Lovely daybook Bonnie! A trip to Italy sounds so exciting. You will be so close, and yet so far!! I just know you will have a wonderful time with your family! xxoo
We are starting to feel fall here in Utah, kind of opposite of what you described your weather being! Doug (his real name; Del Rey is a nick name my brother gave him...) and I are home from France and it was sooooooo wonderful! I have fallen in love with France! I'm slowly posting the story on my blog but there is still so much to think about and let settle inside of me. It was a glorious trip.
Have a wonderful week, Isn't Saturday night a great thing to look forward to? I'll be thinking of you in CA watching while I sit here in Utah watching. The great bond of world-wide sisterhood we can be a part of is exciting!
Love to you!
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