I'm Hooked!
Go to Walmart
Buy some cheap, fake, ugly, mini pumpkins
for $1.00...near the 47 aisles of costumes and candy.
Go to JoAnn's and buy a can of copper
spray paint behind the locked cabinet doors.
Spray the pumpkins, or better yet
have your awesome hubby do it!
From Crass to Class in 120 seconds!
They really are pretty...
It would be fabulous on walnuts, pods or pine cones also!
Enjoy in numerous ways.
If you want some but don't want to store them...
buy the real mini ones at the grocery store and toss
after the autumn festivities.
They would make great place markers at Thanksgiving.
Just prop a cute little name tag against the stem.
Click Click for a closer look...
I promise our walls are NOT lime green,
not sure why they are coming out
this way with our new camera!
I am participating in the last Hooked On Houses
posts over at Julia's. Thanks for hosting this blog party for
over a year, Julia! Onward and upward! I am also
posting it on Melissa's Blog Party.
Super cute, Bon!!!! GREAT idea! Also I wanted to remind you that I won't see you on Monday....we're driving home that day. I'll miss you girls! Love you so, Con
Thanks, Con...this is about the extend of my involvement in crafts. Will miss you have a great time!
L♥ve you too!
That's a great idea, almost makes me wish I could go to Walmart! Last time I was in Colorado Walmart were yoyoing with their crafts, one minute going to close the fabric aisle and the next going into competition with Hobby Lobby. Now there's a place I miss and JoAnn's too.
Hi Bon Bon,
Your table looks gorgeous, I'll be right over!! lol Love the look of the lil pumpkins, that is a great idea. They would make nice favors for ladies to take home as well. Next year think I am gonna have to try that too.
Thanks for coming by and leaving your thankful list. Don't you just love teaching from the word of God, it just is so exciting and so enlightening. Also love when people give practical ideas to go along with it, that is so helpful.
That is neat Roberts parents are
visiting them for the 1st time over there, bet he and Laura are so excited.
I am thankful for you too dear friend. Guess what??? your dining room chairs are very similar to mine, how funny is that!! Another likeness.
So you must be getting ready to start on your renovations soon.
Bet you are excited!! We still haven't started grouting yet, hopefully tonight. We were going to last night but I had to spring my surprise and so while I was doing that hubby had to rotate his tires, so by the time I got back he was too pooped to fool with it.
So we just decided to wait till tonight.
You have a great weekend sweet Girl!!
Love ya, Nellie
Bonnie, you are so talented and creative. I love looking at your blog. What an awesome idea. I Might just try it!
Love you!
Hi Bonnie,
Loved the tutorial, I even went to the pumpkin possibilities and loved the whole get-away-car with prince - that was so cute. My niece did something similar to this for her wedding (november) and after she painted them she did a little bit of really fine spray glitter, makes them look frosty. It was way cute. I just want to say that if you want to try gardening in boxes, which is what we did, it is the easiest thing in the world. I think I only pulled 5-10 weeds all summer. We just didn't have any. I got the idea from a book my mom had called "Square Foot Gardening". Apparently it has been around for years. You can do just one 4x4' box for starters and it truly does save the knees, back, etc.
Love the metallic gourds. Those are fabulous!
ps. thanks for stopping by my blog
Very nice! Even I can do this one. The light from your camera is probably making the walls a different color, different materials in the filament flash gives off different light. Try using natural light from the window. The worst case is if the camera lens is filtering out the colors (like sunglasses do).
Wow, these are fantastic!
Really good idea! I was at Walmart today and passed up the fake pumpkins because they looked too cheap. This really gives them a great look!
I am in love with those pumpkins!!! What a seriously cute idea!
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