Well, they made it home safe and sound. It snowed, wet gooey snow most of the time. At one point Jim slipped and told me it was "terrible" aha...I knew it. But then he quickly corrected himself and said the night's sleep was terrible, ahem...but they had a super great time.
Yeahrite, Baby!
Maybe what it is they just have to get far far away from home and hang out with the guys once in awhile and they choose things that no woman in her right mind would want to do just so they don't have to say, " Sorry, I'd rather just go with my friends, Honey!"
But seriously, I think I am offended that given the choice of sleeping at home in our warm comfy bed with me or sleeping here ...he picked here! What on earth? No tent just a tarp on a rope? Good grief! He said it snowed so much that the tarp kept getting closer and closer to his face all night. Ummm, fun! At 2:00 am he woke up with a call from nature...more fun! Hot dogs, chips, a rotten apple and a day old piece of toast with peanut butter...I'm feelin' the love, are you?
new generation having wised up~
Look how many kids went along! Amazing!
Fathers and sons enjoying their special time.
I'm diggin' those chartreuse pants!
Father of three girls,
the man has gotta get away
and do guy stuff once in awhile!
I do get it and I can see how they love it and
I am so happy they went, they are home safely
and they made some fun frozen memories together.
I would never deprive them of their bonding moments~
Nor would I ever horn in on them.
That is the way is is supposed to be! Right?
Viva la Difference!
And I'm singin'...I Enjoy Being A Girl!
WOW! What troopers, looks fun though!
Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing. Im going to borrow some for my blog. Hoping Travis will blog about it ... should be fun to read! Thanks for sharing Jim for the night! (I think Travis is with you about sleeping outside ... he slept in the car :)
haha! That is great! I'm glad they had fun. There really are so many good memories with these adventures that these guys have. I love all the scout leaders who toughed it out for my boys and the winter Klondike camps. Good memories for them!
That was so fun to read! From afar...in my warm and comfy home. :) Torrey was all set to go when he had a huge problem crop up and work, and instead of playing in the snow with the boys, he spent the weekend in his office. Guess which one he would have preferred to do-- the crazy guy. :) Now I'm wondering how long I have to wait until he puts his snow gear away.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I can't believe how grown up all these boys are. Most of them I didn't even recognize, just the ones Kenna's age - okay, just Johnny and Kyle. There were here last summer for a couple of hours while waiting for their rides to pick them up after EFY and I was shocked when I saw them. In my crazy mind I knew Kenna was growing up, but forgot those Concord II Ward boys were too. I loved the pictures, but I've had enough snow. The driving one was positively scary. I drove through a storm like that once on my way up to Idaho to zone my mom and cried all the way through it. I couldn't even see where the sides of the freeway were, just followed the tracks and tail-lights in front of me and I swore I would never drive in snow like that again and I won't. Jim is crazy for doing that.
Oh my gosh Bon! These guys will never grow up, nor do we want them to. So happy Jim took pictures, I need to get a few for Dave's album please. I'm so happy Dave got to share this unforgettable experience with them all! But, not my cup of tea for sure!
Thanks for sharing your blog once
again. Luv U guys
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