Just kidding! Actually I don't have too many Easter decorations to begin with and I have very little out this year. But something really weird happened ...a tiny wave of craftiness hit me. I am not into crafts and I rarely like anything I make in that department but... I did decide to create...or I should say, embellish a couple of things I picked up for a song last year.
I found this little critter cage for $5.99 at TJ Maxx...it was empty. I thought it was cute so decided to add some lime green moss, a little peep I had and a few eggs. That is about the extent of my craftiness...impressive, huh?
A while back I went to this very cool shop with some business associates. You are all gonna want my job when I tell you that we met to go shopping (for the businesses of course) and then we toured a home one of the ladies had just beautifully staged and then found ourselves having lunch. It was a rough day at work...but I managed! While shopping I found this cute bird cage for $19.99. It was empty so since I had some moss left and a cute little nest and some eggs I did this. Wouldn't "The Nester" just be green with envy?I told you I am not much of a crafter, but I can put things together and this was fun, fast, and finished in a flash! My kind of craftiness. The eggs below are some that I have made and or purchased over the years. I love the little chicken wire basket that holds them.
Wouldn't it be fun if you could save eggs your kids decorate when they are little that aren't hand blown and so fragile? Wouldn't it be neater if your little kids could even hold and decorate a blown out egg without cracking it?
Once while decorating eggs with my friend, Lee, I discovered that you can. Did you know that you can hard boil and decorate eggs that will last forever a long long time? If they don't have any cracks they will be just fine for years to come. I always thought they would start smelling rotten, but nope. All that happens is that the egg inside dehydrates and shrinks and they are like a little rattle over time. Think plastic egg with a small chocolate egg in it. The first few years I would leave them out but hidden for a few months to make sure they were not rotten before storing them away. I have never had a problem and neither has Lee and she still has some that her mother painted for her when she was a little girl. Try it, it is eggciting.The eggs that you see with the patterns on them are done with hard boiled eggs and spring tissue papers. You just tear some pieces dip them in liquid starch (or maybe Modge Podge) and press them on the egg and dry. Our daughter, Jen, taught me this little trick ten years ago when we were in Scotland she made them for Piper's first Easter. I fell in love with them but they were the blown eggs so would not transport easily. Finally I just made some of my own. Again, my kinda thing. They really are pretty cute for the effort that goes into them.
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks so much for your Birthday wishes and for trying to get the right day!! lol You are too cute!
I have had a wonderful 3 day birthday.
Glad you are okay, wow, didn't know Jim was retiring. Is that new or has it been in the works awhile. My sister-in-law was thinking about retiring too, cause of all the new stuff the govt. is iniatiating, but now she isn't sure. After the message on Sunday she feels like maybe the Lord is telling her to wait, so we will see.
That is exciting news.........bet yall will be in Utah a lot. Do you ever think you might move there?? Bet your grandies would be in heaven over that!!
Give Jim our Congratulations!! I bet he is very excited!!
Well, I am bushed...we have been having so much activity lately it is wearing me out!! lol Seriously tho it is!! I have been sleeping like an absolute rock the last 3 nights.
You have a good day tomorrow, I am going to pack it in soon.
Love ya, Nellie
I am IN LOVE with the sparkle eggs!!! Hmmm...I might have to try the hard boiled egg trick and bust out some sparkles!!
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