While Peggy is taking a summer vacation from her daybook, Grandmother Wren will be hosting so you can post your daybook there until Peggy’s return.
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So, For Today...Monday, July 13, 2009
Outside my window... The light of day is revealing that raccoons have gotten into our garbage. Lovely way to start the week! Right after this I will go clean it up. In the meantime I will focus on the beautiful pink and white impatiens on my front porch. Looks like it is going to be a warm day today.I am thinking...I am pretty tired after a full week with 7 guests.
From the learning room...often times the things that are difficult are the most rewarding.
I am thankful for...safe and uneventful travels for our Utah kids.
From the kitchen...Leftovers everywhere!
I am wondering...how long it will take me to get a design plan done on the house I am staging on Thursday since I haven't even thought about since before the kids came to visit, until right now. Yikes! Fortunately I have already selected all the furniture and it has been ordered, etc. Now it is just all the little details and beaucoup shopping that is left to do.
I am wearing...light blue jeans and a green shirt with a little bling on it. No shoes, make-up and hair in place yet though.
I am reading...John Adams
I am creating...the quiet after the storm
I am praying for...inner strength, good health, understanding of the difficult things in life.
I am hearing..50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (Haha??)
I am quoting...Elaine Billiter..."If you wait for the applause of others, you are putting your happiness in their hands!"
I am going..to go shopping this morning for the lunch box essentials of my hubby!
My spiritual thoughts include...pondering the struggles of some folks I care about that seems to be wavering and unhappy. I am wondering why it seems to be a human condition to make choices that make life more difficult that it needs to be. I am doing things to fortify my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and protect it.
Around the house...still cleaning up and getting things put away after last week, but getting there.
Today I miss...Jim as I always do after he has been off work and home for several days in a row.
I am hoping...to be inspired on the house I am working on this week. It is very modern..Pottery Barn like and I need to go shopping for some accessories today too. I am target marketing this home to a young, first-time buyer.
I have been procrastinating...getting new windows ordered...just enjoying a little break from the construct projects.
One of my favorite things...feeling good about my accomplishments at the end of the day. Feeling like I made a plan and stuck to it. Balance in the way I live my life. Sometimes it spins out of control and I like to get back on track. I like spontaneity and at the same time routine is grounding.
A few plans for the rest of the week..shopping, manicure, Room With a Past on Friday, Staging plans between now and Thursday. Probably squeezing in new Harry Potter movie somewhere for my Hubby who is a fan.
Here is a picture and a thought I am sharing with you...
And that is my Daybook for today~make it a great week!
Wow, Bon! Take a deep breath, drink in some goodness from God's Word, and know that I'm praying for this staging for you!! It will all come together, and so will all the stuff family members are dealing with, as long as they give it to God. I'll pray for that as well!!
We gave up memories in our house of 21 years 4 years ago, but have made so many wonderful new ones here!
Have a blessed week that is laced with God's grace!
Love ya,
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