Jim and I have been talking about our plans for the future and have decided it is time for me to retire from my staging business. Things have not been happening lately in real estate and we have decided that we will reduce our inventory substantially. It just doesn't look like things are going to get any better in the foreseeable future. Our neighbor just told us there are four huge office buildings down town in foreclosure. I will still be available for consultations on moving, paint consults, and maybe even some redesign but the overhead associated with the staging part of the business is a big leak in our family budget and so it is time to empty the warehouse.
There is another 19 ft one right next to it as well.
I have lots of art work, bedding, towels, lamps, greenery and florals, all kinds of table top accessories, place-mats, tablecloths, shower curtains, flatware, dishes, serving pieces, etc. I also have a few pieces of larger furniture, a table and 4 chairs, an antique child's desk, some wicker chairs and a billion throw pillows!
So the goal is get it done by 2/1/10. So just be thinking and let me know if you are interested in seeing anything. It feels good to have made this decision to be a stay at home wife without the business hanging over my head. It will be a novelty to be able to give my family my full attention without having to think about working outside our home anymore.
So even though I am retiring from this aspect of the business officially, I will always be available to work on a consulting basis. My love for a beautiful home will never die. I plan to keep my business license and my certifications up I just won't have the inventory to deal with anymore.
I am a little bit sad but mostly glad about it. My life and family have just taken me in different directions and it is time. 2010 promises to be a year of transition for our family and we are looking forward to a bright and active future doing different things. Change is good, the economy just forced the issue a little sooner than I would have opted for doing it.
Another one of those sign posts like last one in kindergarten, your oldest driving the other ones, moving, first grandchild.... good changes - best wishes for this one.
Whoa, Aunt Bonnie...this is huge. I hope this change in your life goes smoothly. I know you've enjoyed your job and I loved seeing your work. If I was in Concord still I would buy half of your stuff.
Linda Ann, you are right! It is a milestone and one that I have mixed feelings about. If there was a way to have the business pay the over head on a consistent basis then I sure would do it. Please know that I still want to help you with your house. We should get together before I do actually downsize and then we can see if there are things you might like.
Mandy I still enjoy it but there just isn't any work. At least not from my usual Realtors. Most of them are working with buyers and most of the buyers are buying short sales and foreclosures where there is no need to stage from the bank or seller's point of view. It is sad because it does make such a difference in selling price and market time.
Some of my former clients have now left real estate and are pursuing avenues where they can actually make a living. Then the real corker for those that have stayed is when they finally get a buyer...they can't get loans. The economy has made it pretty impossible.
Some people are still doing OK in staging but they are spending many $$$ and lots of hours marketing. I just feel my time could be better spend doing other things at this point and I don't want to throw more $$$ into it. But I still will be doing decorating...just not the staging part as I have in the past. I am not opposed to doing it with the furnishing people already have, I just don't want to keep paying storage for the inventory. And if you were here I could set you up with whatever you need. Wish you were!
Wow! Big decision. I have no doubt that it will all work out as it should and your children and grandchildren are going to LOVE having you more available to them!
I *wish* I lived close by and could join in your sale! What a fun thing that will be for those who can participate!
I will most likely be living in Concord in January ... Maybe I'll come take a gander! :) I'd love to.
This is a big news item. I know how much fun you have had with this business. Even more so the talent you have is amazing. I love to see all your pics of the befores & afters, you are like a home-miracle-maker. But I do understand there is a time & season for all things. You know yourself & what is working & what is not. Besides doing the decorating is where your true love lies... so I am glad you are still sticking with that aspect of things. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to come by & check out all of your pretties. I am actually looking for 2 table lamps for my bedroom & one large picture for above my couch. Not sure if I want to do landscape or something else. In that same room I have a fairly large picture of O Jeruscalem by Greg Olsen & The Gentle Healer by Greg Olsen both in the dark brown hues & goldlen amber hues. Just need something. Then of course whatever else fits my fancy, you know me I love to get goodies, pretty things are just so hard to not be drawn to. Plus you have impecable taste so I know I would find a ton of things I would love. Thanks for letting me into your storage of style :):)
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