Thursday, March 14, 2013

For The Quote Lovers Among Us!


 Well, it has been several days since we have gotten together.  Sorry, I have been really working hard on my family history presentation and just about ten minute ago finished my Power Point for some beautiful Cambodians I will be speaking with on Sunday.

The refugees from Cambodia have a history, the likes of which we can only pray we never experience.  The Khmer Rouge devastated their country from 1970 to 1975 killing over 2 million innocent people in the process.  Most of them that escaped are getting quite elderly now and I am trying to help them preserve their history for future generations.  If they do, it will engender in their posterity the deepest respect and and a quiet reverence for their ancestors.  Their journey in this life has been remarkable.  I have nothing but love and respect for all them.  They have been through so much and survived and now they thrive to inspire us all.
  So today instead of staying at the computer any longer I just want to share some quotes I have pinned on Pinterest that I think are fun and thought-provoking and true.  I had never sat down and read the whole board until last night and it was fun to do.  I hope you will enjoy the quotes as well.  This board is called
 Life's Little Surprises

I'd LOVE to hear what you think of the board.  And maybe I'll even interest some of you in connecting with Pinterest and collecting some of your favorite things.  I love Pinterest.  It is a wonderful place to relax and be uplifted by inspiring and beautiful thoughts, places, people and things.


sistersusiesays said...

My, what a wonderful list! It's going to take me awhile to read and digest! Thank you for posting it! Love to you and yours, Susan.