"Happy Birthday, Hazie!"
Please note her beautiful birthday hat!
If you have been around Hazel anytime since our family reunion in June, all you have to do is insert your name where I have put Gramma in the above caption and you have 'been there.'
Auntie Laura planned a big family birthday party at the reunion and in Hazie's mind it has been her birthday ever since. There is a calendar on the wall in their kitchen near where Hazie sits at their bar for various meals. I thing every time I have seen her since the reunion and she is sitting in her chair, she'd look up and she'd remember that her birthday is September 24 and we'd go through the whole scenario again. So to say that Hazie is excited today would be an understatement! This girl loves a birthday, especially hers!
Auntie Laura planned a big family birthday party at the reunion and in Hazie's mind it has been her birthday ever since. There is a calendar on the wall in their kitchen near where Hazie sits at their bar for various meals. I thing every time I have seen her since the reunion and she is sitting in her chair, she'd look up and she'd remember that her birthday is September 24 and we'd go through the whole scenario again. So to say that Hazie is excited today would be an understatement! This girl loves a birthday, especially hers!
Personally, I think Jen and her girls should open a special order bakery for fancy birthday cupcakes. They have always enjoyed making fancy cakes! Everyone gets in on the act. Even Lowell bakes cakes, Cheese Cake is his specialty! And he even does a fantastic, operatic rendition of the Muffin Man with his amazing voice! Yep, they are all about cake over there at their house!
This is one of my favorite "Blast From the Past" photos of Hazie baking. How funny this post is turning into a hat post! But more than that it is celebration of the life of our littlest angel.

A virtual cake I found for her!
Cut and paste, my favorite kind of baking!
this year so that has been great!
Her fancy hair accessories even went there!
of that life and all the love in it!

Happy Birthday to our Growing Up Beautiful Girl!
If you'd like to wish our little Sweetheart
a Happy Birthday, please leave a message
in the comment section and
we'll make sure she gets it!
A Very Happy Birthday, Hazie Girl!
Love, Kisses and Hugs
from your Gramma and Grampa
that love you with all of our hearts!
You bless our lives every single day!

Happy Birthday to your sweet angel...she is the same age as our Caleb. She is a little beauty and the joy that shines from her eyes is heavenly! :D
She is gorgeous... and she's losing her baby face, in these photos you begin to see a beautiful grown-up girl's face. Please give her a kiss from me.
Wow those cupcakes are decorations all by themselves. Awesome. What a beautiful girl Hazie is growing up to be. Love to all
Happy Birthday to our sweet little Hazel! I hope you don't mind me calling her that, but I have come to love her as one of my own. I just know she had a fabuloud day. She is a treasure to all you so generously share her with. That beautiful smile lights up my heart! xxoo
Happy Birthday, Hazie! I love your picture of your beautiful face accomplimented by your sweet hands!
I just love your cupcakes!!! They look like real flowers to me!!!
I know you know you r family loves you with all of their hearts. Know I have grown very quickly to do so too!
Love to you and yours,
Happy Birthday, Hazel! I love all the pictures of you that Gramma put on her blog. I just want to know one thing:
~Did you get the bra and iphone?
Love you lots,
XOXOXOXOAuntie Barbara
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