Just For Today...Monday, September 19, 2011
As my friend Marie's says about writing a daybook post or reading one," It is like sitting down together for a chat over tea."
Outside my window... it is very dark, just past midnight and I am still awake. One of those nights when you go to bed tired and then you realize tired and sleepy are not one and the same. So I thought I'd jump start my day since this probably means I will be semi-useless tomorrow.
Today started a new warming trend, so this week it will be in the low 90s to begin with and then cooling slightly to the high 80s. Once our daughter Laura said, "I didn't realize that weather was an issue until we moved to Mississippi." Spoken like a true Californian!
Today started a new warming trend, so this week it will be in the low 90s to begin with and then cooling slightly to the high 80s. Once our daughter Laura said, "I didn't realize that weather was an issue until we moved to Mississippi." Spoken like a true Californian!
From the learning room...by small and simple things great things are brought to pass. A little here, a little there and soon you realize you are actually moving forward.
I am reading..."Abraham Lincoln, God's Humble Servant" by Ron Anderson and "Rutka's Notebook" (The Polish Anne Frank.) The first book we bought at Education Week after hearing the most amazing lectures by the author and the last book was given to me, by Stephen when we had lunch together with our spouses at Ed Week. I could be on these books for quite some time for the amount of effort it takes to find time to just sit and read a book.
From the kitchen...Not much. Like Scarlet...I'll think about that tomorrow.
I am wondering...how it is that we just click with some people and they are just our comfortable, wonderful friends that add so much to our lives. They can be brand new friends or the old tried and true. The click comes early in the relationship and stays vibrant.
I am missing...two of my favorite bracelets. I just cannot imagine where they could be.
I am hearing...Andrea Bocelli...ah, so beautiful. I have discovered that it is fun to listen to Italian music when writing. It is not as distracting as English when you are trying to concentrate on what you saying.
I am wearing...nothing to write home about that is for sure!
I am quoting..."Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin
Something that made me especially happy this week...Getting a new genealogy program on our laptop computer so I actually feel some relief from the worry that I was going to lose the work I had done. I have been having problems with back-up issues. But now thanks to our wonderful son-in-law, Lowell, who worked with me for two hours on Saturday all feels secure and well.
I am going...to finish the posts I haven't done yet on our trip last fall. There will be some fun things about Boston, The Cape, Yale, Harvard, and some fun on Aquidneck Island, and a visit to the Mark Twain Museum in Hartford, Connecticut.
One of my guilty pleasures...living in the information age when I can Google anything I need to know in a few seconds. I love that!
Pet Peeves...sticking coupons in my purse and then throwing them away a month later. Why do I do this? I use them on occasion, but mostly I forget I have them.
One of my favorite things...going to Room With A Past with Maureen. This Friday, woohoo!
An enjoyable movie I have watched lately...The Shadowlands. Deep, thought provoking, and lingers with me still. I also saw, "I Don't Know How She Does it!" A movie all working mothers can identify with and every mother is a working mother! Light, cute and funny. And has a good message.
I am curious about...ah, just so many things. I am in one of those times in my life where I just want to learn more about everything I am interested in. It is probably a phase but I am enjoying it while it lasts.
If I could change one thing it would be....that Hazie could run and play and breathe without so much effort. That she could have her surgeries soon to help her breathe. She is going to start a wheelchair dancing class soon. I think that is so neat. God bless our little Angel.
A few plans for the rest of the week...writing tomorrow and dinner with FHE Friends, Genealogy all day Tuesday starting at 10:30 Oakland for a class, and then our regular shift, Wednesday Aynslee turns 9, Thursday not sure yet, Friday, Room With a Past and date night, Saturday Hazie turns 4. Those are the big rocks, the smaller pebbles and sand will find their way into the jar as well.
Here is a photo and some thoughts I am sharing with you...as I was looking through our photos from last year I came across this and fell in love with Cape Cod all over again.
This gorgeous little shop was in one of the tiny towns on the Cape and about the prettiest store front I had ever seen. The timing was perfect, just before dusk, the glow from within was so inviting and I adore the window boxes with the white pumpkins. I really want Jim to make some black window boxes just like these for our white, cottage with its clapboard siding with black trim. They would be perfect! Maybe when he gets his shop finished!
A lovely blog post I read this week can be found @....Ann Voskamp's Site, A Holy Experience, This post is beautiful, don't miss it. It is call The Bravest and Most Beautiful Affair.
Here is a photo and some thoughts I am sharing with you...as I was looking through our photos from last year I came across this and fell in love with Cape Cod all over again.
A lovely blog post I read this week can be found @....Ann Voskamp's Site, A Holy Experience, This post is beautiful, don't miss it. It is call The Bravest and Most Beautiful Affair.
OUTSIDE...just a quick rain shower occurred. It won't take it long to dry up in the sunshine! The trees are still green! They do not turn beautiful like in your header picture! In fact our oak trees don't lose their leaves until spring! Then the new limey green leaves quickly change to dark green!
THANKFUL...for good health! I don't think about it until I have to go to the chiropractor when I have pinched a nerve. This passed weekend that happened (Fri. night!) By the time I got to him this morning, my muscles were in knots! NOW, I'm feeling great! Thank the LORD for these doctors!
LEARNING...slow and easy is better than quick and hard (headed that is, ha!)
READING...Elizabeth George's, "Loving GOD With All Your Mind!"
KITCHEN...I found out fresh spices (parsley, cilantro, etc) don't last long!
WONDERING...What's that saying, "Good minds think alike!" I think that is where the click comes from!
MISSING...sleep here lately. I know tonight it will come back without pain, yea!
HEARING...the big fan in my room on low speed. It still sounds like it is on "high." I didn't realize when I bought it, that it was an industrialized fan! On high, it feels like you are in a convertible going 50 mph! Ha!
WEARING...a pink t-shirt with purple shorts! (Where's the polka dots, ha!)
QUOTING..."Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders." Our Daily Bread, 9/15/11
HAPPY...taking my neighbor, Alice out for her birthday with another friend joining us to celebrate another year the LORD has given us all! The JOY of Christian friends is so important for our own growth!
GOING...to make my "kettle" list of things I want to do and places I want to go. (Alice's suggestion!)
GUILTY PLEASURE...eating dried mangoes! Delicious!
PET PEEVE...to start using stores that's prices are lower than others. I've gotten so used to "convenience" that I'm now paying for it!
FAVORITE...getting new e-mail addresses from old friends!
MOVIE...It was a choice between "The Green Mile," "Shawshank," or 3 hours of NHRA drag racing. You know what I picked.
CURIOUS...about the JOY of sorrow. Sometimes it takes the LORD getting our attention with sorrow in order to turn us to Him and the JOY He has for us. Who is more joyful? The one who has sorrow and then experiences a JOY that GOD's closness brings, or a person who loves the fellowship of the LORD so much yet never experiences the sorrows that many others have.
CHANGE...That today would be the DAY the LORD returns and takes away all of our sorrows, gives us new bodies that will go into Eternity, and wipes away all of our tears to know of sin and sorrow NO MORE!
WEEK...pulling out the weeds in my front flower bed, Bible study class, lunch with different friends, sound booth at church, and then start a new week!
Love to you and yours,
Thanks Bonnie that was an awesome link! I love the idea of a wheelchair class. I heard about some basketball players in wheelchairs, but dancing sounds fun. I've just got to get started on my genealogy again and when you post items I appreciate the prod because I need it. Your colors are terrific!
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