We have just learned that Steve has had his PET scan and the results of the chemotherapy.........
We have received our miracle and you have been participants! Thank you so very much for your prayers and concern! Your thoughtful communications and your beautiful hearts and prayers of supplication to the Lord, have been affirmed.

Here is an excerpt from that post. In Acts 12 we read about James and Peter and their capture after the Savior's crucifixion. We read that James was slain by the sword. When Herod saw that this had pleased the Jews, he had the same plan for Peter whom he had cast into prison. However, because of the fervent prayers of the members of the church, AND because God's plan differed from Herod's, Peter was freed by an angel.
Michael (a man who lost his wife, Laurie, to cancer) pointed out that when adversity comes we all want the angel. We plead for the angel, we may even lead a life worthy of the angel, but sometimes we get the sword. Was James more deserving of death than Peter, no. Was Peter more valued as a disciple, no. Did James want to live less than Peter? Probably not. Were the Saints prayers for Peter any more fervent than Michael's prayers for Laurie? Definitely not!
Were Michael's less fervent than ours for Steve? Not possible. However, for reasons only God knows, Steve as been given lots more time to live his life and for this we are eternally grateful. And this family is very joyous today!

worried about his "Bampy" as he calls Steve.
These two have a lot more living to do..together!
Today everyone in this family should have a very grateful heart. Speaking for our house, we truly do! We would never offend God by supposing this came about in any other way but his tender mercies towards my sweet brother, in the granting of this beautiful miracle. We are so grateful that we got the angel when we could have gotten the sword.
"My love for you never ends. If my goodnesses toward you end, I will cease to exist. As long as there is a God in heaven, there is grace on earth and I am a spilling God of the uncontainable, forever-flowing-love-and grace." Ann Voskamp
"My love for you never ends. If my goodnesses toward you end, I will cease to exist. As long as there is a God in heaven, there is grace on earth and I am a spilling God of the uncontainable, forever-flowing-love-and grace." Ann Voskamp
What a blessing!!!!!
Ohhh Bonnie,
Just got your email and can not tell you how ecstatic I was to hear this great news about your brother!
Praising God with you.........
and so very excited about what the Lord still has in store for Steve
and his family. Wonderful News!
and you are so right to be praising the Lord............
Love ya Sweetie,
Give Steve our best wishes.....
AMAZING!! I am so glad. I know it was not an easy road for him but I am glad he is in remission. What a blessing!!
When your blog site came up on my screen and I saw your report on Steve...I immediately screamed out with tears of joy following. My dogs came running over to me to see if I was okay!! LOL! Praise our LORD, I have another praise to raise to GOD daily for another prayer answered! Thanks be to our Heavenly Father!
Love to you and yours,
Hi, Bonnie - I was ecstatic to read this blog post. My mom and I ran into Steve at Staples on Saturday afternoon and we chatted for a while. He told us about waiting for the results of the PET. So very grateful that the angel was prayed for and received!
Much love to all,
What wonderful news Bonnie, and a wonderful blessing for your family! I am praising God for this answer to our many heartfelt prayers here. This is just wonderful! Doing the Happy Dance here! xxoo
So very, very glad!
Oh Bonnie! Isn't this just the bestestest and MOST wonderful news? !!!!!!! I am THRILLED and so grateful. God is so good...... isn't HE? I'm so happy to know that Bampy's going to have lots more time to spend with his sweet little grandson.
So had you popped over.... You are just the sweetest and dearest thing and I never come away from your blog when I'm not uplifted and blessed...
Much love to you!
What wonderful news about Uncle Steve. Sending lots of love to you.
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