One of the things I love about this exercise in writing is that I would love to know what a normal day was like for my ancestors. Sometimes we over look the simple things that make up our every day lives looking for the exciting or unusual things to put in our blogs.
See Peggy's blog here and join in on this fun activity to write ordinary things about your life every Monday on the Simple Woman's Daybook. Y0u never know who may read it someday and just be thrilled to know what it was like way back when...

So, For Today...Monday, March 2, 2009
Outside my window...we have lots of much needed rain, with some sun peaking through occasionally.
I am thinking...that I am so excited to have the laundry room, small bath, and pantry almost renovated.
From the learning rooms... I am focusing on food storage, getting lots of things in order, and spending wisely.
I am thankful for... my husband's many talents and his ability to work endlessly without complaining for the enrichment of our family life.
From the kitchen... I am putting groceries away and we are having minestrone soup and warm sour dough bread for dinner.
I am wearing... a green long sleeved shirt, a quilted vest, jeans and socks.
I am reading...lots of fun blogs~they never cease to amaze and amuse me! And I learn so much! I am also reading the new Oprah magazine and I always have at least 2 books going on as well.
I am hoping... all of our home improvement projects get done in a timely manner and that it stops raining just long enough so we can get some of our new windows installed this week!
I am creating...Things to put on my blog for my grandkids.
I am hearing...absolute silence except for the guy in our entry way scrapping off wallpaper...woohoo!
Around the house... we are living in a construction zone~annoying but so worth it in the long run.
One of my favorite things... making a house a home.
A few plans for the rest of the week... work on my genealogy, study my scriptures, pay the bills, paint the cabinets in the laundry room, have lunch with my good friend and of course, write on my blogs.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

holding her beautiful baby sister, Hazel.
The way she is holding her "Baby Halo" as she calls her,
makes me realize that for most women,
that love of babies and need to tenderly nurture them is inborn.
What a precious gift from God!
Hi Bon!
I love this post. How are the renovations coming along?
I'm still fighting the war against the virus and I'm still a bit on the losing end of it.
The picture of the grandbabies is just a pleasure to look at.
Love ya,
Deanna :D
Thanks for sharing your Day Book. Maybe one day I would join too. Your grand daughters photos really touched my heart.. I envy you for having such cute little grandkids.. Hope the renovation would finish soon and hope you can show it to us..
Hi Bonnie, I saw your name at the Simple Woman site, so thought I would pay you a visit. What a lovely photo!! Isn't it precious, how God puts that nurturing & Momma's heart within us from the beginning? I love it! Have a blessed week!
Just stopping by from the Simple Woman's Daybook. The picture of your granddaughters is incredibly sweet. That's a keeper! Best wishes for a speedy remodel!!
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