Meet Julia, aka Beautiful Chocolate Eyes . This is my nickname for her along with Jewels for all the obvious reasons. She has gorgeous dark chocolate eyes and she is a Jewel! Julia noticed I had done some blog spots on her sisters Piper and Hazel and cousins Connor and Spencer and she felt it was her turn.There are many things to share about our sweet seven-year-old granddaughter but she has made a special request for me to publicize her new business.
Julia is a person who loves all thing feminine. She is also a rising entrepreneur. Her new business started to take root she was four or five and all of us would be together. She would champion "Girl Power" which is apparent in the Stewart home..lucky Lowell, with so many girls around him always! One of the activities to celebrate "Girl Power" she loves to have is spa night. No boys allowed! Spa night has become a regular nightly event whenever Aunt Laura, Gramma, Mom and Piper and now Chloe and Hazel are together. This is what we do. Everyone gets in their jammies, we go down to the basement guest suite and everyone piles on the bed. Then Julia gets out the towels, lotion, etc, and proceeds to give everyone a great foot massage. Can I just say it is to die for? At the end someone always gives her one too. She, along with the rest of us, really loves this.
Julia would do this every night of her life if she could get everyone else to participate!Since not every night works for everyone else I think she has decided to open up her own business.
I was able to get an interview with this lovely proprietor of the Happy Feet Salon this morning and these are the things she asks me to share. Her spa is open by appointment only and she is willing to take day or evening appointments. So just call her at any time at home and she can arrange to have you in for your massage. She says she offers, massage of your feet, lotion, perfume, and will even do new polish for you. BYOB. She should charge $2.00 per foot and she wanted me to tell you that she is the only one that actually does the foot rubs..she will not be passing that off to an assistant or anything. All you Provoites should take her up on it. She does a great job! You will feel, relaxed, entertained, and your feet will be very happy! If you ask her I am sure she will play Jake Simpson's version (hers and my personal favorite) of "Isn't She Lovely" and/or "You Make Me Feel Like Dancin'" by Leo Sayer on her MP3 Player during your special day spa treatment.
I think Julia would like it if I also mention some important upcoming dates for her as she likes to plan ahead. She will be turning 8 on August 28th. She is planning an evening Family Party that night. On September 6, 2008 she will be getting baptized so save the date.
And on January 1, 2009 at 10:30 am she will be holding her first annual Jingle Bell Parade. Don't miss it! I am sure she will have some great things in store for anyone who can make it. And be sure to bring you own Jingle Bells please!
Oh joy of joys! Jewel will love this! They are out in the igloo tonight but she'll read it in the morning! Thanks mom!
Oh joy of joys! Jewel will love this! They are out in the igloo tonight but she'll read it in the morning! Thanks mom!
You really do have SUCH cute grandkids!!!!
Hey- Some of these blogs that are about my kids, I was going to just copy and paste the whole post into my blog, so that when I go to print mine as a scrapbook they will be in my archive. Is that OK? I would l just link to them but I want a full 'hard copy'.
Mom, can you link to Vanessa' s blog and look at her post about her cupboards. Tell her about the paint you used on your cupboards and how to avoid that situation you had with yours where the paint around the knobs got all weird. Thanks!
Of course you can copy and paste into your blog, I think it is a great idea. Feel free anytime, Honey. I saw Marianne Flud Gatchell last night and she started blogging about when we did. She says in her blog that she is so addicted to it she needs a meeting! Too funny! I stayed up until all hours of the night reading hers. She said she has tried to post to yours in the comments but was denied access? Hers has photos of the whole family and it was so neat to see all the siblings and their families. I adore the Fluds, they are among my favorites!
Hi! Grandma,
I'm telling you......... I just love SPA NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!.
I love you very berry much just please come to my
baptism. I know that I've been telling you that a lot.
very cute logo!
Jewels, if it is humanly possible we will be at your baptism..we have saved the date just for you.
We love you berry much too! I really love spa nights too. Not many things make me happier than a good foot rub and being with you!!
Love and hugs..
Forever and always...Your Gramma
Love that picture! Man, I need to make an appointment, I wish I lived closer to Miss Julia, Laura
Should I get in line now for my foot massage- I could really use one. Although, that would imply I'm actually on my feet which would be misleading since I'ma desk potato. Shall i just say I'd love one?!
How are you?
Traci, get one! It will help you study better! How about joining up in our Utopia neighborhood too. Honorary aunts included! Nice hearing from you!
Dear Gramma Bonnie,
Please come to my baptism and after my baptism we are going to rub feet with nail polish and lotion. I love reading your blog, I want
my own blog but my mom said no.
I still /like /Ransom, not love.
Love Julia
P.S. Tell Grampa hi and that I love him.
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