From Jennifer's Blog post this morning...
"I think my Julia said it best: "Oh no! I have a broken heart and it won't get back together!" That was her reaction to the news last night. Very sweet."

Last night our stake had the traditional annual fireside for the women when the Stake President and his wife speak. It is looked forward to with great anticipation by all and is always well attended. Shortly before the meeting began, President H was handed a note informing him of the passing of President Hinckley. After conferring with one of his counselors they decided to share the news with the sisters immediately rather than wait until after the meeting. When it was announced that he had passed away there was an audible gasp through out the building and everyone's heart was touched at so great a loss for the world. Poor Faye had to give her prepared talk right after the announcement which was very difficult for her. I don't think anyone heard a word she said for the first five minutes all of us were so lost in thought about the personal impact this great leader had in our lives. I truly cannot think of a single person who has had as much influence for good in the world that has lived during my life time.
For years I have remembered when President Kimball passed away and the thousands who walked past his casket paying their last respects and thought that when President Hinckley passed away I wanted to be able to do that. I am thankful that we will be able to see the proceedings on BYU TV as I am sure there is no earthly way to get a ticket into SLC this week.

Very sweet, I always had a soft spot for Pres Hinckley, he was a great motivator and a marvelous teacher.
Check out Lanette's blog post on President Hinckley. Her link is on my site.
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