This coming Tuesday, Aynslee will be turning 8 and, she will be baptized on Saturday. We are so excited to be able to be there for that wonderful event. Although the ordinance of baptism is always exactly the same, the circumstances can be very different. Anyslee's baptism will be very conventional but Ross' was quite unique. I will post about hers next week but for today we're going to see what an LDS baptism looks like in Italy.
The tradition of an LDS baptism is based in the example of the baptism of Jesus Christ. We are baptized by immersion, by someone holding the proper authority to perform that ordinance. In the best of all worlds that is the child's father. We do not do infant baptisms but we do give each new baby a special blessing shortly after birth. Most baptisms are performed in our chapels which are equipped with a baptismal font.
In Italy the church members where the kids lived met in a building that was rented by the church. Consequently there was no baptismal font there. Many Italians have been baptized in the sea which was an option for Ross. However, they have this wonderful couple in Mondragone that have provided a great service to their branch in Caserta. This couple has been introduced to you before if you have been a regular l reader of my blog. People like these are the heart and soul of the real Italy.

Salvatore built this amazing "font" in their huge dining room. It is like 3 times bigger than a hot tube and just perfect for performing the ordinance of baptism. So Ross was baptized by Robert right here in this lovely home.

table and up against the wall.
What an unusual story Ross will have to tell
about his baptism.
Baptism is something very special to the children that are turning 8 and Ross was very excited and happy. We were so sad to miss it but having been there before for a lovely dinner, we felt blessed to know exactly where it was and how it was for him among many loving friends.

I will share a more traditional baptism next week when Anyslee is baptized by her Daddy, our son, Christopher. Congratulations, Ross and Aynslee, for learning the Gospel essentials and making a good decision to be baptized. We are all very pleased with your good choices and want you to know how much you are loved by all of your family and friends.
Thats so amazing..what a wonderful man to have done that for them! :D
Hi Bonnie,
What a lovely post. Ross will definitely have quite a unique story to tell and what a lovely atmosphere and what a lovely couple to open there home in this way. Never knew that the dads baptized their own children, I think that is neat, after all God considers the dad the priest of the family.
So How are you girly?? Worn out getting ready for your trip??? Hope not, but hope things are coming together well.
Have a good Sunday Evening,
Blessings, Nellie
I so enjoy your blog with your sharing of family and friends. I have been busy and haven't been able to get to my blog. Hopefully in another week or so I can get back to it!
Blessings to you all,
Hey this is great! Thanks so much for sharing, I've wondered how arrangements are made when the facilities aren't there. Very creative. I did get to watch a friend get baptized in the Yellowstone Lake one beautiful summer morning - I've never forgotten it. Ross won't either!
Living in Happy Valley has its advantages that I love, but Oh how I miss the experiences of living in other countries. We lived in Portugal, Guam, Panama and the Dominican Republic so your post today put me in a nostalgic mood! I don't know Salvaore and Rosa but I can't help but love them! How great to have two grandchildren turning the age of accountability this year! You have a great family, Bonnie!
I would think being baptized anywhere in Italy would be an unusual event for an 8-year-old American child. But a font in someone's home or in the italian sea is something special, indeed. Congrats to Ross on this big event.
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