Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hope and Light

A little piece of light in the
American Spiritual Recession!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Oh Wow!!
How awesome is that!! made me cry to see all those people singing, that is rather shocking really, but a wonderfully good shock!! and all ages too!!
Thanks for sharing that!!
Loved that they said it was a random act of Culture, how neat is that!!
Hope all is well and you have got your Christmas decorations all done
since Thanksgiving will be here soon.
Hope you have a Delightfully lovely
and warm hearted Thanksgiving Sweet
Love ya, Nellie

Caroline Craven said...

That was so touching. I, like many of us, am tired of living in the spiritual deficit of our nation. Or at least when I watch the media I think we are in a spiritual deficit. However, watching the people respond to this event brought tears to my eyes. It gave me hope. It makes me feel we Christians are not being pushed out by the secularists after all. Maybe, after all, there be more with us than against us. Thanks for sharing.