Introducing another Article from
"Your grandchildren know you love them. After all, you tell them over and over again and you shower them with gifts, goodies, and affection.
But how do they show you? Is it hugs and kisses? The way they run down the driveway when you arrive for a visit? Or the cute nicknames they give you?
"It doesn't take too much to make a grandparent feel special; grandchildren make their grandparents feel special from the minute they're born," says Robin Hewitt, 51, of Mayodan, N.C., grandmother of five and coauthor of The Joyous Gift of Grandparenting: 101 Practical Ideas & Meaningful Activities to Share Your Love (Hatherleigh, 2008). "You don't need to give us flowers or candy on Valentine's Day; just a hug and a kiss will work, and maybe a handmade card. It's the little things that make us smile."
If you want to read the rest of this article and see some of the ways kids show their love for you @ go here.
I personally found this article delightful, especially the story about the grandmother who had chemo. How do your grandchildren show they love you?
I have had some really precious moments with ours. One told me, "Gramma, you are so so so so so so pretty in every possible way." Do you think in a million years I will forget that? Nope, not likely! One drew me 27 pictures in a church meeting and runs so fast for the first hugs whenever he sees us. Several love nothing more than snuggling on a big bed or chair and reading stories with me. One barely lets me in the door before I am laying on a bed getting one of her super duper foot rubs because she knows I love that. One gives me a billion and one kisses all over my face while holding my cheeks in his little hands. The last one is always on the tip of my nose...? One who is kind of reserved in his affections threw his arms around my neck and with tears in his eyes said he loved me and missed me and wanted us to come to Utah soon. One put her arms around my neck and comforted me when I was crying over a tough day in the hospital for Hazel...bolstering my faith. One crawled up on the bed with me when I was taking a rest at her house and asked me why Hazie could not ever walk with tears in her eyes; her compassion for her cousin was amazing for her age. And the babies...they light up like little Christmas trees when we walk in the room. And they all give us pictures and rocks and little toys and sometimes it is a sacrifice for them because it is something they love. Does it get any better than this...I don't think so! Not in my book anyway.
Rebecca "Piper" the first one for us..
"When a child is born a grandmother is made!" Anon