Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Little European Humor

"Heaven is Where:

The Police are British
The Chefs are Italian,
The Mechanics are German
The Lovers are French and,
It's all run by the Swiss.

Hell is Where:

The Police are German,
The Chefs are British
The Mechanics are French,
The Lovers are Swiss and
It's all organized by the Italians!"

Come on now all you Englishmen, Italians,
French and Swiss,
This is just in fun.

Seriously, now I know the Swiss must be
so offended!
Not intended, for reals!

Sent to us from a magazine clipping! LOL!

Oh, the clipping also included this quip,
I kid you not...
"Welcome to Utah, set your clocks back 20 years!"
As God is my witness~it is sitting right here on my desk!

LOL while skulking away under
my shroud of Political Incorrectness....


Marie Rayner said...

hahaha Bonnie. There's more than a spark of truth in that. :-)

margaret said...

I love it. I love it. I've said for years one of the best places on earth is Lugano because it feels like Italy but it's actually Swiss... so things work.

Bonnie said...

Laura commented:

"No need to apologize mom- it is hysterically accurate. And I think most Europeans would agree!
Loved it. Might blog nap it!"

BECKY said...

You are too funny! Praying for your sweetie, and hoping you have a delightful day!!

Love ya,

Shelli Snyder said...

I love that you're not PC, Bon. Overrated. :)

Caroline Craven said...

PC or not, that was funny. I agree with Shelli - PC is WAY overrated.

Sally said...


Bonnie said...

I am laughing my head off right now..my friend Caroline thought this was so funny that she sent it to every person on her contracts list via e-mail. Yikes! I better get in our neighbor's bomb shelter and take cover!

Let's hope there are no, Italians Brits, Frenchmen, German or Swiss amonng them! I have to say the fall out would be worth it..I still think this is the funniset thing I have seen a while. If the memory of our recent trip to Italy and German were not so fresh in my mind perhaps I would have laughed a little less, but prbably not.

I am only kidding really...they are all darn proud of themselves over there and well they should be! Thanks or all your fun comments everyone!

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Bon Bon,
You are too funny!! I liked that,
you are so politically incorrect,
I find it gloriously refreshing!
I myself am sick of political correctness, it is ruining our nation, and turning us into folks who do not speak the truth in love.

Saw you came by tonight. Well, I should be sleeping but I am having one of those ansy nights and it is 1:39, just finally got up about 10 mins. ago, thought what's the point, I am just tossing and turning anyway. Glad your shower is finished, I know that good feeling only too well. Like your faucetry word - that's a good word for it actually!! Hope you got everything all cleaned up and ready to use. Bet you aren't excited or anything like that!! lol
You have a really great day tomorrow too, and I will pray for your class and that you will have your stuff all together.
Love and Blessings,