A Blog With A Heart
"Well, it's time for some more award giving. Since returning from a year long sabbatical, I have met some wonderful ladies that have made my days so much brighter and happier. I love their works, their words and I get to see some of the most wonderful family pictures that they so willingly share with others.... I am so honored to offer this award to three blogs that have so much heart in them. Each of these three blogs belong to women who make their families number one. In each of their postings, I find little nuggets about their lives.
Bonnie, I am so glad that I stumbled onto your blog not so very long ago. In that short space of time, I have read your entire blog and I know that you are a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and friend. I love all the pictures of your family. I love the tenderness that I feel between you and Jim. The little things that you do to make your home a haven is so visibly evident in your pictures. You have the ability to make me feel at home when I visit your blog. You have so much talent. I guess that's why you are called, One Designing Woman! So with that said, I give you my hand drawn award...A Blog With A Heart.
Laura, thanks to Bonnie, I have spent so many giggly moments reading about you and your family. It's like taking a trip down comedy lane. I love that you and your husband Brandon have so much humor in your marriage. Your children are so blessed to have two parents that love and adore them so much. I can't tell you how much I love to look at the children's pictures. Such happy faces! And reading Brandon's blog...well, I have tears streaming down my cheeks from so much laughing. May you always be blessed in your life because anyone reading LAURASCOOP, can see that all of you , were meant to be. So, with that being said, I give you my hand drawn award...A Blog With A Heart."
Thank you, Deanna! Wow, 2 awards! I have included the portion of your post awarding our friend, Laura, also as I know a lot of my readers read her blog too! I couldn't agree with you more about the things you said about Laura and Brandon!
Thanks for making me feel so good today! That's 2 days in a row!
I'm so glad to make you and Laura happy,
It's always a pleasure to visit you both...uh, the three of you. Can't forget Brandon!
With much affection,
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