I saw this in Country Living and it reminded me that I use to love to wrap presents in brown paper and then decorate them with colored markers, stencils, etc. By adding a beautiful ribbon or bow the gifts can look so festive~even elegant. I like the uniformity under the tree. Sometimes I think that all the various colors and patterns of regular wrapping paper can be tiring.

A lot of people that work in the design field feel that way. When you work with color all the time, sometimes you just need something simple and uncomplicated. Too me the brown paper is just more restful to the eye. One of the things I love about it is that you can embellish each gift to suit the recipient with regular ribbons, the miraculous wired variety, raffia, leaves and berries, an ornament or anything else your imagination can conjure up for that individual.
As I was enjoying the photo I realized, I have gotten very lazy in the wrapping department. It started when I had little kids of my own and was so busy that I would just quickly wrap things and not even put bows or ribbons on them. Jim and the kids didn't care and it was a lot easier. Another thing that comes to mind is that my mom made full use of my wrapping when I lived at home. I would wrap all her presents, even my own that were taped securely in boxes so I could not see the contents. I may just have wrapper's burnout. Whatever the cause, the laziness ensued.

With the advent of gift bags and the elimination of department stores that gave boxes as a courtesy, I just got into the ease of gift bags. But when I saw this today it reminded me that presentation is important in just about everything and is almost a part of the gift itself. Don't get me wrong, gift bags can be lovely and can serve their purpose at other occasions. To me they just aren't the same as packages beautifully wrapped and sitting under your Christmas tree. You can also use white butcher paper or any solid color of your choice. I have even wrapped small gifts in copy paper and it works great and looks pretty with a gold bow made easily with the wired ribbon.
Since I don't have little ones around anymore, I think I am going to turn over a new leaf and be more creative in my wrapping. It might be exciting to get out some of the old scrapbooking things and do something fun. There is a time and a season for everything and this just might be my season for this. Most of our gifts have already been ordered and shipped this year for the kids and their families. But I still do have some shopping to do for family that lives here and a few friends so they may be the lucky

What I said previously about the plain paper being restful to the eye, is also true about the white dishes. During the holidays we are just drenched in deep colors and patterns and the white is so refreshing. What do you think about this earth shattering subject? Geesh, maybe I am just loonier that a Christmas fruit cake, surely there are weightier matters to discuss!
In the good news department, I am one day away from having my house decorated. Yippee! Then I just have to clean, do the porches, shop, wrap in my new style, Christmas letter and cards, prepare menus, my list goes on and on just like yours! I love it though, don't you? Gotta love it, 'tis the season~there is no turning back now...19 days and counting down!
photo #1 Country Living, all others flickr except the ornament/mine
We do the presents from Santa in White butcher paper and Tom draws on them, I think this tradition came from his childhood when butcher paper was cheaper than wrapping paper, but I love it! I also love to use bows and ribbons. But, admittedly I have been lazy a lot and used bags.
I agree with you, this is a FUN/busy season! Have fun! :) BTW, I'm seeing Jen tonight and will give her a hug!
I love the idea of white. I haven't Used it but I may next year. Wouldn't it just be gorgeous under the tree with beautiful embellishments. Your tradition of the white from Santa is very cute! Thanks for giving my girl a hug. I miss her so much I can barely stand it. But we are flying in Christmas Eve for a week. Are you girls having the annual Christmas celebration tonight? If so, I'm jealous! Have fun!
I read this post this morning or was it later? I can't remember but passed out before I could post a comment :p
And thanks Bonnie, I know I will feel much better in the morning. I sound like a sick duck right now. How romantic for my husband.
Love and hugs,
Deanna :)
19 days!?!?!? Yikes...I better get wrappin'!
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