Working with them is about as much like a college experience and one can get. There are activities for them every night of the week. Tonight they are all out carolling and I am glad it was not our turn to be there with them as it is really cold tonight. But which ever of the five couples in the ward was assigned to be there will undoubtedly have a great time! Here are the people we work with in the ward.

Thanks for the use of your photos, Mike

Another couple, Paul and Myrna Maughn were out of town. What we do is shadow leadership and just do whatever is needed to get the job done. The young adults plan the activities and they learn leadership skills by serving in the ward in various capacities. It is a very closely knit group as we are all together worshiping, working and playing all the time.

Here we are working in the kitchen and right after this picture was taken we finished scrambling dozens of eggs and as I was grinding some pepper on the eggs when the entire top fell off of the grinder and peppercorns went into the entire batch of eggs. Some wonderful girl stood and picked them out one by one! As far as I know, no one bit into a peppercorn! Thank goodness!
You would think this activity would be enough for one weekend but on Sunday we had a spaghetti lunch as once a month we have a 'Linger Longer' after church. So that is why I call it our home away from home. We spend a lot of time with these great young people and love them a lot. I just wish we had of the endless supply of energy of these kids!
On Saturday night we were able to attend the Christmas program and dinner in Concord 2. It was like old home week. Oh, how do we do miss our life long friends from there. They were all so sweet to welcome us with open arms. We had a great time. All in all, it was a very churchy weekend which translates to a pretty good time!
Hi Bon, how are you my sweetie? It looks like you and your sweetheart had a wonderful time. You simply must take a picture of the two of you in matching jammies!! How precious would that be????
Bunches of hugs. Giant Texas sized ones,
Deanna :)
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