Jen and Lowell had prepared a wonderful tri-tip dinner and we were starving by the time we got there. The excitement of 11 kids was pretty tangible as they knew Santa was on his way. The dinner was delicious and Hazel especially enjoyed the steak. We all cracked up when we looked at her and she had grabbed Jen's entire steak off her plate and was trying to rip off a bite with her tiny teeth.
Chloe is a Good Snuggler!
Jim tried sleeping on his thermarest in his sleeping bag but it has a leak so he spent most of the night in the basement doing laundry. Joy to the World~well, Jen's world anyway. But it was all fun and good and Christmas was so neat. We love Lowell's parents so much and always have a fun time with them.
We played a game and all enjoyed the afternoon and evening together. We got a really good night's sleep last night and are feeling a little more human today! We will be staying here until Sunday afternoon and then returning to Jen and Lowell's for the remainder of our trip.
Jim and Chris and Lowell are going snowshoeing tomorrow and so this morning they watched all the kids so we girls could catch the sales. Retailers were hoping the day after would be the new Black Friday but it truly wasn't even close. The stores were virtually empty. I picked up a couple things but the girls loaded up on wrapping paper, etc. for next year. I bought a pretty white tree skirt which was the only Christmas thing I
When we got home little Owen was a little bit of a concern to Chris and Missy as he had fallen off a kitchen chair on Christmas Eve and his arm seemed like it was hurting him. We call him Mr. Bump, since he has been able to run around he tends to get hurt! Well, God bless parents' intuition as Missy took him in to the doctor and sure enough he has a buckle fracture just above his wrist and a hairline fracture on the other bone. So he is resting now with a little blue cast on his tiny arm. Poor Owie! He is such a good little guy both Jim and I were just sure it wasn't broken. Hmmm, I guess that is why we are the grandparents!
So we are loving the snow, the icicles, the coziness, and the joyous chatter of our grandkids. This is Bliss! If only Laura, Robert and Spencer and Rossie could be here too!
Poor little Ohie! I hope it isn't our families' turn to get a broken bone! Pass--thanks very much! It's been sp great to have everyone here. We miss the Wadsworths though!
Okay, this whole post was great, but my favorite part was you snuggling up with your little Chloe girl! How sweet is that??! Only it made me a little bit concerned--were you BREATHING under that big quilt?! Once again, I couldn't tell...and you know how I do me some worryin'
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