“The Painter’s Process” by William F. Reese, forward by Mary N. Balcomb. This book covers Reese’s philosophy and his own discussion of the process of painting. Reese explains his own approach to such subjects as color, composition, edges, and infinity as it relates to perspective among many other topics. Plus a Q and A section with subjects put forth by others.

8”x10” 157 pages 78 full color plates
Hardcover $80 SoftCover $60 plus state sales tax in
Washington and $5 shipping in USA
Blueraven Publishing 509 884 9246
If you stop by Bill's website tell him his cousin sent you! Thanks and enjoy!
foxgloves are absolutely one of my favorite flowers.I'll check out the website.
I love his art. I definately like the style. I will visit for sure.
Deanna :)
Dear Bonnie, Thanks for the kind comments on my mother's birthday. It really touched my heart.
I hope you and your husband can find the time to visit China and Hong Kong. I am sure you'll gonna love spending some time here. If you happen to visit,please drop me a line and we''l bring you to Dapeng Road and Baoan Road where they sell lots of paintings, home decors and lot, lot more.
Kung Hei Fat Choi and God bless.
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