Nothing can add more to the cheerfulness of the day then letting in the light. We are all affected by light and it has a tendency to raise our spirits and make the whole day seem full of possibilities. Many people are affected by the lack of sunlight and it can cause a depression and sense of malaise. (SAD, Season Affective Disorder)
Often I will go into homes and everything is so dark and dreary. Heavy drapes that are always drawn are just not conducive to productivity and over all well-being. Even if you have privacy issues there are alternatives to all the darkness during daylight hours.
If you have the two inch blinds or shutters, rasie them all the way up as seen above or just rotate the slats to an angle that people can't see in, but you can see out and still get the light. Put something light and airy over the windows and have them be something you can pull back during the day to let the light filter in to your space. You can dress a window without covering it.Rotate on an angle tilting them up rather than down. That way you can see out! When closing them use this same angle to close. Angling them up keeps your room warmer.
In our house with this southern exposure we need lots of light in our family room. Originally we had a window about a third of this size and adding in this window made all the difference in bringing the outside in and expanding our world to include the light and foliage of the back yard. We love looking out and watching the deer graze on the ivy!

Those tables look great on your patio. I enjoy looking at your yard this time of year.
Thank you, Michelle! They are wonderful and we think of you always when we see them. Life is not the same here without you! Love you all tons! B
Hi Bonnie!
What a lovely patio. I think when we purchase our house next year I'll have to get some ideas from you about window treatments.I'm totally clueless.
BTW, I love your new signature!
Love ya,
Deanna :)
I am affected with SAD to some degree. I have discovered that I will actually avoid rooms or doing things that are dark. Our home had dark paneling when we bought it. First thing we did is to paint the paneling Dover white. What a difference to have the light walls. Sometimes it is still kind of dark because of the deck and carport awnings. This is where those Solartubes would be great in the darker rooms. When it is sunny, I will tell my hubby, I need to get outside and let my eyes get some sun. I know doing that will pep me up some.
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