Deanna has tagged me and wants me to write seven things about myself that most people wouldn't know. That is a pretty hard one as my life is an open book through my blogs. Well, let's see....
*I won an essay contest in Northern CA when I was in 8th grade. My paper was entitled "The Significant of Chemistry in Medicine" and that is the only things I remember about it, not one ounce of the content! I received $50.00 and a fancy lunch and was given an engraved plaque.
*This is my favorite post ever on why blogging is so great. It echoes everything I feel on the subject to the letter.
*I am asking Jim for his input and he says I am a good basketball player. Wha...? Speaking of that..

Go to the bottom of my blog to learn more about him!
*I have always wanted to be someone who could entertain others...the total opposite of what I am...but I would love to work on a play, an opera, be in a movie, or sing a duet with someone who can sing well enough to make me sound better. The problem is I don't like to be in the limelight so I would have to be supporting someone else in the effort or wearing black and shuffling furniture on a darkened stage. I had a speaking role in a play in college though and I LOVED it.
*I use to be a La Maze instructor and breastfeeding coach during my child bearing years.
*I really want to do some painting someday. I think I would love working with the different colors and textures but I cannot even draw a straight line of any kind with a ruler. So probably hopeless.
*I am interested in and believe in reflexology.
*My 'love language' is appreciation.
*I love shopping...oh, that's right, this is supposed to be something you don't know about me. Sorry! I'm way over 7 anyway, I got carried away.
Rather than Tag 7 people I will just invite anyone who wants to do this to consider themselves Tagged.
Love reading, who knew about the basketball talent? I would also love to paint or learn to paint. One day.
Yeah, no one is more surprised than me. Laura! What he should have said was and am, or WAS a good shot. I use to be champion of the free throw in our family which bugged the heck out of my dad, my brothers and my husband.
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