I just love blogging, no kidding! I love seeing the various things that our kids are thinking about as they share them with us. They have allowed me to swipe whatever I want to share with you so here is the latest one I love that Laura wrote. This brings back so many memories, thanks Loulou!
Our Little Mrs. Cleaver
The June Cleaver in Me
"One of the great things about living in a foreign country is that when you turn on the TV everything is... well, foreign. Since I'm not really into TV it works for me but the boys don't like it much. So a few months ago we started looking online for some good TV sitcom DVD collections for the boys to watch. Among the thousands (literally, T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D-S) of options available Robert and I decided to get the first season of Leave it to Beaver.
I don't know about you but I grew up thinking June Cleaver (as the embodiment of the female stay at home mom stereotype) was laughable. Not only did I think she was impractically perfect- I was offended that was the way media thought stay at home moms should be! I thought the sole purpose of her existence was to make normal women ( who clean the house in ratty sweats and occasionally yell at their kids) feel inadequate. Never in my young adult imagination did I ever considered June Cleaver a role model in anyway... but that was before. Having watched her in action recently I have changed my tune.

Here is what I have noticed about June Cleaver. She is patient and kind with her children. She is loving toward her husband. She is witty and spontaneous (in a very traditional sort of way). She is intelligent (though a little too easily tricked by her boys at times). She expects a lot from the people she loves but never turns her back on them when the don't measure up. June Cleaver is perfectly content in her role as a wife and mother. She is never bitter or resentful that her stay at home life style is keeping her from getting the job she always wanted or spending more time with her friends. Her house is spotlessly clean, her yard perfectly manicured, her appearance immaculate. She has snacks ready and waiting when her boys get home from school and dinner on the table every night when her husband gets hom e from work. I mean seriously- isn't that what every woman wants? To be perfectly capable and fulfilled in their role as a woman? To feel as put together and on top of life as June appears to be? I don't know about you but that certainly sounds good to me.

So I've decided to spend some time finding the June Cleaver in me. I know she is in there somewhere- that beautiful, content, fulfilled woman I've always wanted to be. I'll let you know when I find her."
Now, Laura, you know I always dressed and acted like June and cleaned our house in a dress, pearls, apron and heels. All this occurred while you and your siblings played with each other in perfect harmony so I never had to yell at you. And Daddy brought home the bacon arriving promptly at 6:00 pm (with his speckled sport coat and tie on and a calm and happy face) to his steaming hot and delicious dinner!
June and Ward's
Wally and 'The Beave"
Wally and 'The Beave"
this is just darling. She should try Andy Griffith and if she can find it, Hazel. I have seasons 1-3 and I just love it.
This is a great post. I know we all strive for the June Clever moments but I'm afraid that's all Iever get...moments! Love you Laura
This is a great post. I know we all strive for the June Clever moments but I'm afraid that's all Iever get...moments! Love you Laura
I love this post! Torrey's family grew up watching the show, and whenever he can catch one now, he does it. :) It really is timeless and...unatainable for people like me. I wish I could be like June Cleaver, too! I just don't see how you can REALLY get in there and clean your house dressed that way. I love being a housewife, and have always been happy and content...but just can't seem to DRESS the part. Or keep it all together. Or be that patient. Or......well, you get the picture.
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