It is lovely!
For Today...February 23, 2009
Outside my window... It is overcast with a promise of rain and a gentle breeze.
I am thinking... I should get to the grocery store but this is more fun!
From the learning rooms... I am working on the budget and learning new tricks to stretch it.
I am thankful for... the beauty of life, family, the earth.
From the kitchen... I am planning to do some cooking today after shopping. Organizing our meals and being prepared to do an excellent Weight Watcher week is the agenda.
I am wearing... Brown shirt and demin jeans, Cabella brown mules, and jewelry,always jewelry!
I am reading... a few books and some magazines seeking inspiration for my new kitchen remodel coming up.
I am hoping... someone reads the posts I have done this morning and makes a comment!
I am creating... ways to live a more abundant life with simplicity.
I am hearing... some Italian guitar music.
Around the house... work is in process to complete our remodeled laundry room.
One of my favorite things... sharing my heart and soul through blogging and meeting new friends the same way.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Finishing the laundry room, doing an interior design consult, and decorating a cottage with a very sweet friend and client.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
This is our precious littlest granddaughter, Hazel! My thought is that God is gracious and loving and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives. She was born with spina bifada and has taught us the most beautiful things in her sweet young life. Her life will not be easy but it will be brimming over with love.
I'm back!!! My laptop crashed big time and luckily Marshall took it to the Computer Hospital. It's behaving badly still but at least it's on now.
Hazie is an angel isn't she. I would love to hold her in my arms and run my chubby fingers through her soft curls. I mean...look at those eye lashes! What a cutie! Marshall loved her hair. Marshall is partial (that rhymed) to red heads since he was a redhead himself before he went completely gray.
How are you doing my love? Are you and Jim doing well? It looks like he had a geat time in Utah.
I read your fifty questions and what fun it was except for the number two question which made me want to cry because you cried. Big Hugs!
Tomorrow Marshall and I are going thrift shopping so I hope I find something good. I'm going to put together a box full of goodies for my upcoming 200th post giveaway. I'm still many posts away from 200 but might as well get ready for it!
Well dearest, I'm off to bed. Take care and I love you.
Deanna :D
She is a beautiful girl. What a blessing!
I love, love, love this post--the whole thing.
I had fallen behind on blog reading. I am catching up on yours now. Enjoying all your posts.
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