Some of you know that Jim and I do not watch TV. We haven't had a regular TV in our home for 20 something years. So as archaic as it seems, most of you have grown up on TV shows that we have only heard about. Makes for awkward social moments at times when we are the only people in the room who are completely clueless.
So when we were introduced to some TV shows sans commercial interruption on DVD (the only way to enjoy TV in my opinion) we went a little crazy. The first show that we got into was The Gilmore Girls. That series has brought me untold hours of enjoyment and laughs. I love the witty dialog and the mommy/daughter times. Stars Hollow is a place I'd love to live. Too bad it is not a real place but put together on a Hollywood back lot. Bummer. Another media let down of real life.
The LoreleisWell, the series we are into now is Grey's Anatomy. This is basically a night time soap opera but the zany, complicated, scripts are intriguing and the thing I like about it is that it portrays doctors as regular, although not normal people. Honestly, I have never seen so many messed up people in one place and they all drive you nuts, but that is part of the fascination with it. There is not a Marcus Welby in the bunch, to be sure.

Who's Your Favorite Nut Case?Derek, Yang, Bailey, Lady Shepherd?
Having worked in the medical field for years I am intrigued by the patients. Can I just tell you they do that pretty realistically? I have seen all those people over the years. I love watching their craziness on the big screen much more than I enjoyed knowing them face to face. TV adds just enough fantasy to make it interesting instead of completely annoying. I am enjoying watching Jeffrey Dean Morgan in his role as Denny. It seems weird to see that strapping hunk of a man as a sickly patient gasping for a breath most of the time. Its a bit of an oxymoron. We are in season 2 right now and it is a weird and wonderfully fun show.
P.S. I Love You...Denny DuquetteAnyway, today I am off in my real world working on the decorating of a fantastic little cottage in the woods! This is where it is at for me. Everyday let's me know I did the right thing getting out of the medical field but it does not prevent me from enjoying Grey's Anatomy one little bit!
I enjoy watching Chuck with Joseph and Sam.I also use the commercials for express teen facials but Sam is on to me.My fav character is Miranda.
i love gilmore girls. i watched it all last year on abc family...all but the very last season that is because abc family started all over with the pilot the day after logan left to go to england! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? now i've been looking all over to try to find the last season and walmart is always out. oh well....
I love Lorelei, the mom.. and her daughter is so smart. thanks God she got her..
I want to live in Stars Hollow, too. Mark and I watch a lot of television shows on our computer. One of our favorites is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
I enjoy Gilmore Girls too. I get it from Netflix. Would you believe my queue is over 300?!? Yikes! I don't know if I will ever get through it. I keep plugging away at it. And I try to keep from adding to it at the moment. LOL!
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