September 6, 1997Salt Lake Temple+and+Jen+(attitude).jpg)
I love this picture, it is truly worth a thousand words. We love you two! Happy Anniversary! You have had an action packed 11 years together. From that flat tire within an hour of leaving on your honeymoon to the various floods you have had in your house...things have been anything but boring, tiresome and repetitive. You have worked hard and had many good times, lived in Scotland, bought two houses, owned your own business, and create a lovely haven for four precious little daughters. You two have given a lot to many and have made the world a better place for all of us. We love you with all of our hearts and wish you an eternity of love, laughter, fun, accomplishments, and growth. Have a very happy day, year, life. Your story begins at home and yours is a thriller!
Love Always,
Mom & Dad
Now tell me this does not look like these two!
I love that picture!!!
Love the picture. Funny, it's our 12th anniversary today too.
Wow, I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. I love Jen and Lowell and all they have accomplished together in the last 11 years! They are great examples to me. They are generous, kind, fun loving, hard working- all the things I want to be!
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