Friday, September 5, 2008

Mac 'n Me

I just have to tell you I met this new guy a few weeks ago, named Mac and I really like him! I have been spending so much time with Mac lately that I think Jim is getting seriously annoyed. As I have gotten to know him I find him to be very friendly, he's quick and bright and darn good looking too. Like most men, Mac is a little mysterious and hard to figure out at times and just when I think....ahh, I've got it; he'll surprise me with a new side to him I haven't seen before.

My friends and relatives tell me that eventually my excitement will wane and he'll become old hat and just another fixture around here. But for now I am just enjoying the honeymoon period as we bond as one. I have gotten a few self-help books to unravel the intricacies of my relationship with this new man in my life. He sings to me and takes me to the movies and let's me buy anything I want and he never gets jealous when I hang out with my friends. He is such a great worker and you all know how much I love a man like that. He is at my beck and call 24/7. The only down side and there always has to be at least one in every relationship, is that there are times when he flat out refuses to do what I ask. It is kind of that passive/aggressive thing, you know where he doesn't actually say anything...he just digs in his heels and does whatever the heck he pleases. I find that so inconsiderate in a man, don't you? But I am holding out hope that I can eventually whip him into shape, with behavior modification techniques and positive reinforcement.

In the mean time, he fills up my days will endless pleasure, teaches me so much and keep me company~see, who needs a warm puppy anyway, when you can have Mac? And the best part of all is when I have simply had enough...I can just walk away! He doesn't give me any grief and eventually just falls asleep on his own.

Psssst....Truth be known....
I think I 'm in love!


Laura said...

I can see how Jim might be jealous---such a glowing report!!! Maybe one of our computers will break and we will have need for a new one. I hope water doesn't spill on it, or one of the kids doesn't do something horrible to break the computer---hee, hee. Just kidding!!

mandy* said...

Mark is in love with Mac, too. In fact, everyone that meets Mac falls in love with him. Well, maybe except my dad. He always called people who loved Macs "Mac Brats."

Shelli Snyder said...

You are so funny! I laughed out loud at work. :) Love you, Bonnie!

laura.elizabeth said...

Okay call me blonde but I was halfway through this post before I caught on! Actually I was just dumb founded the whole time I was reading wondering why you were talking so openly about your new passion! I am glad you love your Mac. A new computer is definitely on our list of things to buy (along with a few other new things like a car, a kitchen aid, a vacuum, glasses)!