Why does Italy have to be nearly 7,000 miles away from home? We are really missing our kids and grandkids stationed there. A year has passed and less than two to go. Somehow...day to day that is not much consolation. Especially since they will probably be some other far away place once that tour is over. We have been spoiled by having them live near us twice in the last ten years.
They have cell phones but the problem there is that they aren't always near them or turned on and although their phone has a message center and an Italian lady that asks you to leave a message~Laura and Robert do not have a plan that has message retrieval. I left plenty of messages and wondered why they were never returned before I found out about that little glitch.
The home phone is out of order and the last time that was the case it took over one month to get it fixed. Of course that means their Internet is out too. They don't call home because they have not received a single phone bill in the year they have been in Italy. So they have no clue how much calling home costs and they can't seem to find out. Because they know that everything else is sky high there, they don't want to risk a huge bill coming in unexpectedly for several hundred Euros.
The problem is there are two little boys there that are growing up so fast and I hate their childhood slipping through our fingers thousands of miles away.
Spencie Looking Mischievous

The other problem is that Laura is one of my very best friends in all of life and I totally am aching to talk with her, be with her, have a mom and daughter day..
This separation has been hard because I realized we have no set date for a reunion and is there isn't a target to look forward to..........and I know that it's very hard on her too. Not only do those in the armed forces sacrifice so much, but let us not forget their families as well. Vanessa, I am thinking of you and Jake too, Sweetie!
Have you thanked a military family lately? This freedom we all enjoy is definitely not free. It is bought with a huge price.
Sometimes I think I will never get use to this empty nest. No actually, I do like the empty nest...just not the distance between their nest and ours.
This missing them is a real problem for me. I know many people would prefer to not say the word "problem" but prefer to call this a "challenge." But as for me, I am calling a spade a spade here...this is a problem and there is no glossing over it. I have said it seven times in this post and don't regret it because that is what it is. Calling it a challenge somehow negates that achy-breaky feeling of loneliness I have today.
And that is my whining session for today!
Sorry mom! We miss the Wadsworths too but I know you're used to having them a lot closer! Hang in there!
While reading this post on Italy being far away and a terrible place to try to keep in touch for lack of normal phone and internet services, my electriclty went out. I wanted half and hour for it to come back on but it is summer time and we often have one or more black outs a days. AHHHH! So now I really feel sorry for myself and for you too. It just isn't fair, it is? I am sorry this has been so hard on you. It has been our HARDEST tour by far and the lack of communication doesn't make it any easier. Anyway, I love you and I am thinking of you and miss you and wishing we could have a day (more several) together very soon!
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