Monday, August 18, 2008

Going Postal

When I get the mail each day I have to laugh and wonder what on earth the mailman must think of us? Honestly, you would think 25 people live in our cottage from the array of stuff that comes to our address. If we were renters I am sure there would be an investigation. We get our own mail which, incidentally, is the least of it. We then get mail for the Loveridge family, the people who lived here more than thirty years ago. Not just the deceased parents' mail but both of their kids! Hello! We get mail for both of my deceased parents as well. I have notified various places that my father died 30 years ago yet they continue to send solicitations for fraternity donations, etc. My mom still gets a lot of stuff here and she passed away almost five years ago. She still gets a monthly bank statement that shows her balance of $4.95. And yes, they have been notified she is deceased. Then there is the boatload of stuff from their church. It is annoying and anyway...don't they know they are LDS now? Just kidding! We get mail for all three of our children under our family name and for each of our girls under their married names and mail for Robert. Jennifer still gets birthday cards and Christmas cards from some guy that she doesn't even know and has been for since she was 20. And junk mail for everyone on the list, naturally!

What you end up with is a conglomeration of regular mail, junk mail, the miss-delivered mail, the things people walk by and drop off about services offered, invitations, or fliers about missing animals and political issues, and newsprint is over the top! Is it any wonder the mail prices are so high? All the wasted time, energy and paper is pretty sorry. I am for a 'greener' mailbox~how about you? The first thing I am doing is e-mail whenever possible. And I am tempted to send out a Christmas Greeting on a postcard this year saying..Read our Christmas letter online if you are so inclined. That way the ones that hate them can pass and those who truly want to hear from us will know where they can find the scoop.

When I ran across this information I decided to share it.

2. Write: Direct Marketing Association, Mail Preference Service, PO Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512 and Advo Systems, PO Box 249, Windsor, CT 06095

3. Online: Go to Stop Junk or DMA Consumers. Visit the Consumer Assistance Page: How to Get Off A Mailing List. It’s so easy.

Your sample letter should state: “I want to reduce the amount of unsolicited mail I receive. Please remove my name and address from your mailing list.”

Include all variations of your name: Bob Smith, Robert Smith, B. Smith, etc. with your Name, Address, City, State, Zip, and Signature.

To stop annoying phone calls, call 888-382-1222 from your cell phone to be put on the National Do Not Call list. This blocks your number for five years! You can register up to five phone numbers at once.


Jen Stewart said...

sorry mom...I know I've had mail going there forever...sorry!