Monday, May 12, 2008

Jen and Lowell

Today Jen and I had an idea for a new look for my blog. The pink template was only meant to be a temporary one until last Valentine's Day. My problem was I was scared to change it for fear of losing everything so I waited until I came back to Utah. So at last, the pink is gone and this is my new look. So I had the idea of what I wanted and then Jen drew it, and tonight Lowell made the magic happen. I really am happy with it and I wanted to thank our very talented kids for helping me out.

While looking through all their photos the other night I saw this one for the first time. I thought some of you that did not know them when they became engaged would appreciate seeing it. This photo was one in a series of pictures taken that eventually became their wedding announcement that Lowell created. This one hit the cutting room floor but I think it is so cute and wanted to share! They have always been so artistic and creative.

Jen, "What Attitude?"
Lowell, "Oh boy!"

Thanks Jen and Lowell for helping me out with my new blog page...I love it!


Jim said...

Well done guys!!! I like the simplicity and at the same time it says a lot...the "For Sale"...Barono colored houses...two communities bridged by a great designing woman...lots of green. I like it!!

Have a great day all!!
I love you.
Love, Dad...Grandpa...lover boy!

Laura said...

LOVE the new template!!!! Looks great!