Saturday, May 17, 2008

No More Mosquitos!

Helps for enjoying the nice weather outside!

Most of these are either things we have all heard before or just common sense, but I found the one about colors of your clothing very interesting. #2 seems a little weird as who wears long pants and socks in the summer...but something here might be a help in warding off West Nile again this summer.

Five Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites
by Dr. Andrew Weil

"The best remedy for itchy mosquito bites is to prevent them in the first place. Use these tips to help stay bite-free this spring and summer:

  1. Stay indoors at dusk when mosquitoes are out and about.
  2. Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved tops, and tuck long pants into your socks.
  3. Stay away from black and white fabrics, which seem to drive the little bugs wild.
  4. Try mixtures of essential oils, such as pennyroyal oil and eucalyptus. These are moderately effective if you're not dealing with really thick swarms of mosquitoes.
  5. In places like Alaska or Minnesota, where mosquitoes can be overwhelming, use insect repellants containing geraniol, a plant-derived compound, or Neem oil, from the Indian tree Azadirachta indica.